Simon and myself spent a day experimenting with the DJI M30 special features, whilst planning our next mapping mission Simon whipped out his battery powered Makita coffee making machines we conducted a 90 minute mapping sequence using just 2 batteries (not Mikita!). The sequence of images were gathered flawlessly. We also conducted some thermal imaging on a neighbours house, we asked him to turn on his tumble drier and this produced some interesting measurements from the dryer air vent . Images to follow !
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Rural Cotswold Listed Property
We conducted a photogrammetry Orthomosaic survey on this listed residential property in Wickwar, the client is having some extensive...
Thermal inspections are on the increase.
Our work flow of thermal radiation inspections is rapidly increasing in demand. With the energy crisis showing no pull back, reducing...
Last Sunday we tested the DJI M30T with the RTK2 ground station.
DJI M30 with RTK2 ground station testing
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